Thursday, August 12, 2010

Meteor Rain in August 2010: Perseid Meteor Shower Today Light Up The Sky

Meteor rain in August 2010: Perseid meteor shower today light up the sky to explain the reasons to enjoy the stargazers
Many have already seen a meteor shower over the past two days, and with shower continues even now, the lazy of them we will be able to watch and enjoy them.
But you can not feel good meteor shower, if the place is cloudy or if you have not been able to arrive in advance. But even if you can not look them in the sky is falling around you, and illuminates the sky do not lose your heart, you may still be able to watch it tonight.
Meteor showers caused by fragments of a comet. The substance of comets coming from interstellar space, where the materials collected in the atmospheres of stars in dense molecular clouds of gas and dust between stars.
Comet build this material and were formed in the outer solar system, in regions outside the orbit of Saturn at the birth of our solar system.
How to leave meteoroids of comets is the subject of research. When comets approach the Sun, the ices evaporate and dust ejected into space in a geyser, like fountains.
The nucleus of Comet mountain of ice and dust (mainly dust), which is located in the heart of a comet. This photo of the cometary nucleus 1P/Halley.
The nucleus of this comet was photographed by Giotto satellite in 1986. This is 2-3 times more than the core 55P/Tempel-Tuttle.
Comet is the parent 55P/Tempel-Tuttle Leonid meteor stream. The orbits shown in the figure above.
Persistent train long lasting emission, which remains in the path of car once the afterglow has disappeared. Persistent trains can last for 1-30 minutes (usually 4-6 minutes) on the apparent brightness of +4 to +5 magnitude.
Optical light of these long-lasting trains of Na (sodium) and FeO (iron oxide), a glow-type chemical recombination of oxygen atoms and ozone molecules, which catalysis of sodium and iron.
Persistent train long enough to telescopic observations of the path of the meteor. winds of the upper layers of the atmosphere distort the shape of a train.
Meteors are better known as "shooting stars": amazing streaks of light that suddenly appear in the sky, when the dust particles from outer space e
vaporates in the upper atmosphere of Earth