Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Raksha Bandhan Essence And Significance

Raksha Bandhan Essence And Significance: Raksha Bandhan is one of the widely celebrated Indian festivals. The term 'Raksha' means protection 'and' Bandhan "means 'connection'. The basic essence of Hindu ideals of love and harmony is depicted on all festivals, which are reminiscent of the unity of all beings.
There are many legends related to Raksha Bandhan. Although eventually he came to practice, Raksha Bandhan is observed brotherly and sisterly love, in former times it was for all relationships in general. He was tied wives, daughters, mothers and Rishi, but also for people who approached them for protection.
According to popular legend, Indra sought the advice of Brihaspati or Guru, to defeat the demons, when he almost lost the battle with them. Guru Brihaspati and his wife Indrani tied the sacred thread around his wrist on an auspicious day Shravan Purnima, after which he emerged the victor in this war. Raksha Bandhan came here, which will be celebrated on the day of Shravan Purnima. One of the "Mahabharata" is also related to Raksha Bandhan. Draupati tore her silk sari and tied it around his finger the blood of Lord Krishna, who was injured in the assassination of evil "Sari. The grace of Lord Krishna in the prevention of shame Draupati get exposed to the Kauravas explains his sympathy for its brotherly love for Him.
Raksha Bandhan can also have its source in the legends associated with King Bali. Lord Vishnu, pleased with the devotion of Bali, left Vaikunta to secure the protection of the kingdom of his devotee. Goddess Lakshmi is unable to endure suffering from separation from her Lord, disguised as a Brahmin woman and stayed in the palace of King Bali, tying a thread around his wrist, a symbol of brotherly love for him. King Bali moved by compassion the Lord had sent him to Vaikunta with Lakshmi in connection with brotherly love for her, bloomed from the binding Rakhi.
Raksha Bandhan Celebration.
Raksha Bandhan, which is observed on the day of Shravan Purnima in the month of August, at present there is friendly and fraternal relations throughout the country, regardless of limiting it to celebrate among blood-related brothers and sisters. Thus, she became a social celebration now through the barriers of religion, caste and creed.
It is the physical embodiment of emotional binding brothers and sisters. Sisters tie Rakhi thread around the wrist of their brothers looking for their love and protection. The brothers in turn give gifts to their sisters as a token of their love of authentication and protection against the celebrations and holidays.
The essence and significance of Raksha Bandhan.
Rakha Bandhan celebration has its roots in religion and extends farther beyond its borders to the wider concept of universal brotherhood, which opens the way for universal unity.
Love is the basic essence of any religion. Unconditional love for all living beings can be realized when one realizes that his true, spiritual, or Atman, which is the same for all people and that goes for all the seeming disparity.
Raksha Bandhan acts as a master of all the festivals, we celebrate the unconditional love and universal harmony. The spiritual unity, which is the ultimate goal of compliance with the rituals and holidays, thus, recognized the observance of Raksha Bandhan.
Raksha Bandhan thus serves as a reminder of our true nature, true nature, which is lost in the apparent differences. So let's observe the rituals of the festival and celebrate it according to its essence, its true meaning of spiritual.