Martial Arts fr?m The age ?f 4, n / Frank h?? mixed styles The learned ?nt? h?? ?wn American style of karate called Toso Kong d?. N / a blue belt ?n Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ?? well. Frank h?? won many awards ?n ?f The world of martial arts teacher and owner ?? ?f Rising Sun Karate, and co-author of The ?f The RSKA. Now Do not w?nt? t? fight and make ?t ratings. Go 4-0 ?? An amateur 2-ko/tko and 2 subs moderators that all ?n The first round. Jason showed h?? weighted chin, f?nt??t?? bright, and the time when the hip is f?r categories.
W?th h?? main aim is to narrow Strikeforce, Frank ?? ready to fight Do not t? where aircraft can up Do not get that call. In many recent interviews expressed Do not prepared to fight t? Strikeforce ?? where Do not w?nt? t? B? and Do not in h?? there way. Frank ?? ?l?? The owner ?f The standard Jesus clothing line Do not Click wh??h ?? working web-site h?? Christian roots.
Jason Frank w?ll make h?? MMA debut ?n August 4 2010 Houston ?n am "Perot Combate # 1". H?? enemy ?? Jose Vasquez. The fight ?? am 205lbs.