Monday, July 26, 2010

Columbus State Community College Information

Columbus State Community College: Earlier this week, said HRC Foundation Prize winners in 2010, generations of equality of the LGBT students and allies, who have shown exceptional commitment to gender strange.

$ 2000 scholarships are part of the HRC Youth Foundation Campus Outreach Programme, which aims at providing tools that facilitate communication and to attract young people to fight for LGBT equality on campus and beyond.
Following the award of scholarships GENEQ component in the past year, I was glad to again be part of the selection committee. We received over 400 applications from students across the country, each with an incredible range and experience.

The word cloud on the left an overview of how students responded to the question, what you see is the great challenge of LGBTQ young people? What are your thoughts on this challenge?

Many noted the adoption of the struggle - at school, their families, local communities, as well as between the country community - and the consequences of participation in the first Pride or special person's life. One student told a story about when my grandmother came stubborn pride and his mother leaned over and said: "I do not understand that the people of these people.

They're just trying to live their lives. Since you can not say that the statement was the catalyst tolerance students life. Another student, who was director of the camp was transferred to the strength and confidence of tourists show transsexual 8 years.