Friday, July 23, 2010

Jennings Appeals To The Controversial Osteopath For Treatment

Jennings Appeals To The Controversial Osteopath For Treatment:When not working, however, Jennings was not the case. Not only she could not walk or talk properly, Jennings said that her brain sometimes forgot to tell her lungs to breathe, leading to fainting and convulsions.

"When you have someone handing out and shaking uncontrollably, he starts to get scared," said Brendan.
Traditional medicine is failing it, Jennings said that she decided to do something "outside the box", and was in North Carolina clinic run by Dr. Rashid Buttar.

Buttar uses a proven alternative treatment for almost every disease, from autism to cancer. It's called chelation, chemical removal of metals from the body.

When Jennings arrived at the clinic Buttar in October 2009, she was barely breathing, and collapsed in his waiting room. He pumped her-IV ", and because he suspected she was poisoned by mercury in the flu, started proven process complex, where the chelating agents bind metals in the body, including mercury, and then excreted in the urine.

Less than two weeks, state Jennings seemed to improve: she went on again, and the stuttering disappeared.
But just as she was leaving the clinic, Dr. Buttar its last visit in December 2009 - with the "20/20" S "camera - it all seemed to fall apart. Jennings was in distress again. She could not go forward and must be taken in a wheelchair.