Sunday, July 25, 2010

Disaster Strikes Scrabble Fresh Information

Disaster Strikes Scrabble Fresh Information:Look at this: Scrabble! While the rest of the Internet to search for nude photos of Ernest Borgnine, we decided to do some real reporting, just as in finding out what the deal with Scrabble is.

We have our journalists at the forefront of this article. This is truly epic. So you're wondering what the deal with Scrabble? You are in for a surprise. Now some of the most current information - we just uploaded new photos below, and we will publish more as they become available. Do you have a hot tip or photo? Send us an e-mail. This video is strange. Well, if 600,523 people believed it to YouTube for the past two hours, you know, this is the real thing. Scrabble rules! Full uncut video streaming for free.

Serious journalism at work. You heard here first. Check back every few minutes for updates on this story.Scrabble Fox, NBC and CBS covered, so we also. Our source at the local police station said, "is one of the real deal. Scrabble. Uh-huh." Everybody is talking about Scrabble, and we know why. This is a hot story in the Internet right now, and that's why. The most interesting story of the day ... It reminds me of that Paris Hilton now struggled with this grizzly bear.