Monday, July 26, 2010

The Man Behind The Wikileaks Julian Assange Crib

The Man Behind The Wikileaks Julian Assange Crib:In early June, most timely New Yorker piece profiled Julian Assange, mysterious and nomadic 39-year old mastermind Wikileaks, which is a coordinated release of 92,000 secret documents in 3 newspapers a new impetus to the debate about the direction of the U.S. led military effort in Afghanistan.

Australian Assange, prodigal computer hacker, once known under the pseudonym "Mendax". In the late 80-ies Assange was one of the founders of the group of hackers who call themselves the International Perez. His work with the International Perez eventually attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies, as well as Assange was arrested in the early 90's after hacking a computer system major Canadian telecommunications company.

The court held that, ultimately, his intentions are benign, and he escaped jail for up to 10 years. After working in the physics degree from the University of Melbourne, he founded Wikileaks in 2006. "Our main goal of this very despotic regimes in China, Russia and Central Eurasia, but we also hope to be useful for those in the West who wish to identify illegal or immoral behavior in their own governments and corporations," he wrote in his note of the potential informants during the launch site.

In response to the most recent paper on the blitz, White House, made a statement to journalists and media organizations, which he reminded them of the activist agenda site. "How do you report on this matter, it is worth noting that Wikileaks is not an objective news release, and an organization that opposes U.S. policy in Afghanistan," warned the memo. Assange is the first confirmed this feature.

"Assange, despite his claims to scientific journalism, I stressed that his mission is to expose injustice, not to give an impartial account of the events," New Yorker "Raffi Khachaturian wrote. In an interview with Der Spiegel, Assange said that his purpose in the release Afghan war journals was to draw attention to the "everyday cruelty and abomination of war.

Archive will change public opinion, and it will change people's opinions in the position of political and diplomatic influence. "At a press conference in London this morning, secretive Assange stood in front of his MacBook and answered questions about their intentions and concerns.

" I am often asked: what is the most damning revelation? He said. "But this is not the real story with this material. The real story of this material is that it is a war. It's one thing after another." This is a sentiment that is likely repeated in Obama, although possibly with different attributes.