Monday, July 26, 2010

Mad Men Season 4 TV Recap Premiere

Mad Men Season 4 In The Top Searches:We all waited for him. Smoking, drinking, sex, fraud, and even the ads. They're all back, one of the best ever throws, taken together, in one of the best shows ever written for television. The discoverer of Season Four of them are a little all that we love about "Mad Men".

Advertising has been in all the newspapers on Sunday. Chicago Tribune was the essay about the devil in a blue suit with a giant picture of Don Draper, with horns, tail and pitchfork. I tend to see it more as a magician Don than the anti-hero of "Mad Men", or Satan in disguise, as it was called Trib.

The episode began with our hero in an interview with Advertising Age, which he clearly blew. The title came out, "The Man from the city without a name." In the end, of course, Don smelling rose, after he opened the story of his new agency is nothing, Wall Street Journal.

Of course, we have seen many people Don Draper in the first episode. As a newly divorced, he goes on a date with a woman much younger, organized much of Roger's youngest daughter Joan. Date odd ends in a car as she tells Don she wants to see him, but it's all for today. I have a feeling that we will see a much younger woman again in another episode.

Next, we see Don in his own, very dark apartment with a prostitute, which he slap his face several times. We do not understand why he likes. Does it have something to do with his troubled childhood?

But then we see his father Don, and immediately know that no matter how screwed up he is, he loves his children and his children love him. Ironically, spending the day with them, Don finds himself in his old house waiting for Betty to return home.

Then Don boss, who bails Peggy, when she needs the money, literally save some actresses, she and Pete hired to fight for the ham. A little PR stunt, got a piece of media attention and ham client actually increased the budget.

I'll have to try something like that someday. This may be just such a trick that can win you a lion at Cannes.

Although Don is helping Peggy out, we can see their working relationship is not quite perfect. This becomes very clear when Don tells her that she would not be necessary Jantzen representation, because it would be better not to have a girl

in the room. It was actually pretty realistic for that time. I remember being told the same thing, one of my bosses, who decided it would be better if our beer client has never seen me in person.

Finally, Don, advertising specialist. Although Jantzen tells him that they are conservative and moderate and do not believe in bikinis, Don Boyko understands that it would be better for your business. Therefore, it is an ad with the headline in a black stripe on the breast model. The string reads: "It is well built, we can not show you on the second floor." Of course, the client can not stand, it is not healthy. They warned him, and he was not listening.

So Don is doing what every creative director in the business have always wanted to do what every creative director only dreamed of. He tells the client Jantzen get their belongings and get out of his office. It really throws the customer through the door.

The closest to what I have never heard of a place back in the good-oldday-60, it was when brought by the guy's best friend at home after it was too much to drink. Customer Allstate was at lunch. A friend who was currently playing for the Chicago Bears, to solve customer Allstate. Here's how!

So this is Don devil? No, he is very attractive, extremely well-dressed lad, you can not hate too much, because no matter what he does, you still want to believe in it.

Here's what the announcement. People want to believe, so we can sell just about anything. This is really what "Mad Men" is all about, and what works.