Friday, July 23, 2010

The Real Symptoms OF Desiree Jennings Disease

The Real Symptoms OF Desiree Jennings Disease: Although millions of video views on YouTube Jennings, who followed her case became suspicious that her symptoms were a hoax. Indeed, the fact that Jennings was worried most about her unorthodox glory online attack on her integrity.

"Why should I fake it?" She said during her interview with "20/20". "I had a great life ... Now I'm sitting at home every day, bored to tears."
Nevertheless, there is skepticism in the medical world. Dr. Steven Novella, assistant professor of neurology at Yale University who has followed the case closely Jennings on the Internet and comfortable commenting from afar, as dystonias especially visual diagnostics, said Jennings symptoms were not typical for this disease. Novella sure all she was not caused by mercury in the flu shot.

Other experts with whom the 20/20 agreement. Dr. Charles McKay, a board member of the American College of Medical Toxicology, said Jennings would be subjected to much less mercury in the flu shot than in the tuna steak.

Experts believe the symptoms 'Psychogenic':

McKay said Buttar's chelation treatments Jennings is unnecessary and inefficient.

Answering the question "20/20" about the effectiveness of its treatment of chelation Buttar said that he gets results and pointed to the patient feedback on its website. But when you Jim Avila that "anecdotal stories on the Internet, not science," Buttar said: "Nobody says that science."

But what caused Jennings strange symptoms? Novella, and other leading neurologists interviewed by "20/20" believe that the disease Jennings in the head. They do not believe she faked her symptoms, but instead that it resulted in their subconscious.

"This is a psychogenic disorder, but no neurological disorders," Novella said.

Novella Jennings feels temporary improvement experienced during the course of treatment Buttar also in her mind: she was better, because she thought it would. He called it "the placebo effect on steroids."

Jennings believes that "psychogenic" label insulting. "This is a convenient way to incompetent doctors, so that you from your office," she said.

Currently, the state Jennings does not appear as severe, but she remained convinced that the flu shot caused her condition, and it continues to seek healing. She said that currently seeing a specialist for her condition and is still looking for answers.

"If I have to go to China and make the experimental procedure, I will find a way to get it all back," she said. "It may take some time, but I get everything back. I will find a way. "