Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jessica Simpson And Her Boyfriend Eric Johnson

Jessica Simpson and her boyfriend, Eric Johnson, recently gentle day in New York with her mother.

The new couple hit the Mexican eatery Dos Caminos in Manhattan's trendy Meatpacking District with Jessica, mom Tina and several other friends.

According to a witness, Jessica Simpson and ex-NFL pro Johnson "very touchy-Feely" during the meal.

"He always had his hand on his back, touched her hair and kissing her head", says an observer. When the table was cleared, even amateurs "are made of several! led the witness, as they say.

Even Mama Tina, "could not" believe how affectionate they were before her. "

"She looked super happy. And he was very attentive to her. They looked like they 've met in the century," added the witness.

Even Jessica "with little sister Ashlee Simpson-Wentz confirmed also still married to Johnson, who" met with Jessica for about six weeks.

"She's happy, so we're all really happy. Her happiness the most important thing for me."