Monday, July 26, 2010

Updated:'Mad Men'Fourth Season, Episode One Public Relations

Updated:'Mad Men'Fourth Season, Episode One Public Relations:Season four Emmy "Mad Men" begins with a question which set out a number. We know exteriors Don: What he does - create an ad for a powerful agency Manhattan: who his family - his wife (now ex) Betty's daughter, Sally, and sons, Bobby and Gene how he sleeps in the area - with mistresses as varied as the beatnik and the teacher of his daughter, and the secrets he carries - he was born Dick Whitman, son of a prostitute and stole the identity of the victim.

But we still do not know who Don Draper is, in fact.

"What people say when you ask them that?" Don answers to Advertising Age reporter interviewed for an article about Don and his new advertising agency, beginning at the end of season three: Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price. Typical Don, ghostly response to a direct question. 1964 looks different, but it is encouraging to see that - all that he is - Don Draper is the same man.

Nevertheless, his circumstances have changed: divorce, Dawn has attracted sympathy from the people around him. Roger Sterling Silver Fox has his obscenely young wife Jane, to reconnoiter the date of the new Bachelor. When Don invites Roger Thanksgiving, he mentions that the thought that Don does after work, "I want to kill myself." Even with the help of a divorce is difficult to find a suitable date. (This may or may not explain his use of a prostitute.)

Don loses the groove at work, too. The article, which was to support him and the company becomes a nightmare when his mysterious nature leaves one-legged reporter are the facts and the whole company look pompous.

The success of Don may be on the decline and institutions seem to be some losses, but it sure as hell looks good. New, modern and bright office reflects the playfulness of staff. One-time fans of Peggy and Pete work well together (finally) without that awkward tension I-was his child-after-one-night stand.

Some "John ... Mars replicas between Peggy and the cute new kid in the office shows, Peggy fun. Although Joan takes backseat this episode (as atypical!) It is a bold and sexy bright pink (like a typical!). Now her daring wardrobe seems, given the authority does not stand out among the mute colors and boring personality. It is as if the'60s may actually already begun.

Betty antics remain unchanged. We saw that she was a child: a child who is manipulative knows only that she was unhappy, but she does not know why. It is clear that her new husband (maybe not yet) Henry Francis just itching to temporarily zero. Thanksgiving with my family is bad, when Sally refuses to eat anything. Sully looks older (yes, it was the same child actor) and Betty refers to her as if she was a child: Betty is not only misguided mother, she is cold and insulting.

I was offended just to see Betty and Henry settled in the house of Don (although they were supposed to move), and seeing Betty cling to Henry also considered inappropriate. "" Mad Men appeal is always the nature of funds, and this episode was no exception. Being uncomfortable seeing Betty and Henry left us feeling more Don and sympathetic character who is not always likable.

Season Four knife satisfied my "Mad Men" itch. Writing has been bolder with a shocking (at the time) more than innuendo and playful dialogue. We saw Don angry with customers, and ferociously sexy while doing it. Peggy and Pete's playful attitude makes me wonder: Do they have completely buried the past may lead to the case in the future?

We saw Betty being ice queen trophy bride, but was kind of Henry and his family - leading us to believe it more interesting character, he seemed at first. But the plot has not yet touched on is the potential future novel Joan and Sterling.

Most gratifying, we see Dawn finally aggressive with their identity. After falling so hard and pushed into the abyss with prim client, Don takes control in the interview Wall Street Journal. The agency urges Don to open in a new interview and self-promotion with the company. For the first time in this series, we see the opening of Don and completely honest to myself (and journalist), his value to the agency.

Last season we heard, Don said: "I want to build something. Do not you know that the people?" Now we feel proud of Don, which is one of "those people" and not outsiders. Maybe this season Don, finally, I know how to answer the question: "Who is Don Draper, and we can learn from them. Sam Hiaasen, b

Great quotes from season 4, episode one of Mad Men:

"They are so cheap they can not even afford a reporter Roger Sterling, with reference to one leg reporter interviews Don.
"You get on - come to turkey day, maybe you can stuff it!" - Roger Sterling reference to the "blind date" Don.
"I really like our second floor, so I could jump with him." - Harry Crane, after hearing he had lost count.
"Who cares what I say anyway?" My work speaks for itself. "- Don Draper disappointment for the agency dissatisfaction with his interview.
"We're scrappy upstart" Pete Campbell reflecting on the new agency: Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price.
"Believe me, Henry. Everyone thinks that this is temporary." - Don Draper to his ex-wife Betty of the new Knight, Henry Francis.
"We are all here because of you. All that we want to do is enjoy it." Peggy Olsen, Don Draper the new agency.