Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kaye Cowher Died Due To Cancer

Kaye Cowher Died Due To Cancer: Kaye Cowher, 54, wife of legendary Pittsburgh Steelers coach and NC State Alum Bill Cowher has dead.
Pittsburgh reports ABC-affiliate WTAE Cowher died on Friday.
She died due to cancer.Sources said and according to the investigations she had been facing the decease of cancer.Many of the famous Doctors tried their best to save her life but the could not succeed and Kaye Cowher, met her last stage of life where everyone would have gone.
While the most famous football fans, as the wife of Bill Cowher, Kay was an athlete in her own right, played three seasons in the professional women's basketball league.
She was the loving wife and a caring mother.Her husband and her daughters said to the media.
She Left her husband along with her three daughters.

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