Monday, July 26, 2010

Updated:No More Nice Guy: Don Draper of "Mad Men"

Updated:No More Nice Guy: Don Draper of "Mad Men":No more Mr. Nice Guy. That sums up the plot direction of this season's "Mad Men" and the further disintegration in the life of its main protagonist, Don Draper (Jon Hamm).

The knife began the season with the line, "Who, Don Draper? Goals reporter" Advertising Age "magazine who interviewed Draper in the restaurant. Draper is reluctant to talk much, from the original
with a "good guy" manner familiar from previous seasons, when he was (supposedly) happily married father of three children and creative wunderkind Sterling Cooper advertising agency.
When the Sterling Cooper was to be swallowed whole by its parent company, Draper and other key players in the agency staged a coup. Currently they are trying to position itself as, according to Pete Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser), "scrappy upstart."
Just as a newborn foal tries to stand up a new agency Sterling Cooper, Draper and prices are a bit shaky. Much of that episode one is related to the original Don modesty or reserve during an interview with a reporter crippled (he had a wooden leg from service in Korea, prompting the character of John Slattery, Roger Sterling said: "They are very cheap, they can not even afford general reporter. ").
When Draper was to boast of his bravado, riffing on the list of customers, and its horn screeching, old, handsome, modest Don Draper from previous episodes of the show simply tells a reporter "Advertising Age", "I'm from the Midwest. We were taught it is impolite to talk about myself .
Unflattering article that his failure to births infuriates one client (Jai Lai) and causes a small partner Bertram Cooper said Don, "With regard to creative success in the business of your work, and you failed." Draper lapse without using public relations opportunity to interview partners stressed Don Bertram Cooper (Robert Morse), as a "missed opportunity". Thus, the Don remains' ~ beautiful code "infliction Roger Stirling to join first row when he says:" Who knows who you are? "(Who, indeed?)

Don Draper fake past is about to change in various fraudulent Draper about the present and future. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
In the first episode earlier charming Draper (Hamm) demands that his former wife to pay rent if she does not vacate the house that they used to be common immediately, criticizing his secretary in public, when it comes to him for
assistance, literally throws Jantzen swimsuit people from his office in a fit of peak, and at the end of the episode, begins to see their mistakes, trying to play Mr. Modest. He saw speak very different upgrade version of the new agency, much more self-aggrandizing version of various reporter for The Wall Street Journal.
We also see Don Draper to enjoy sexual intercourse with a prostitute, who says: "I know what you like and start hitting. Apparently, a full life no longer appeals to Don Draper, if it ever did. Of course, when he seemingly perfect wife and family, he did almost everything in his power to undermine and destroy it. Now, in this season, he has succeeded: his wife Betty (January Jones) is with another man, and his children begin to act in the old familiar way that children of divorce have always played.
One of the most outstanding conflicts related to the first episode Draper knights creative people with a Jantzen swimsuit. Jantzen people continue to say Don and his colleagues that they are "family business". They want something useful. Don continues to insist, "You want to wink, but not to look lustfully" and to representatives of the company's creative efforts that he said would sell their swimsuits, which were stagnant in the competition with a more acute swimsuit ad campaigns of their competitors.
Unfortunately, Jantzen, people know what they wanted - and that they do not like - infuriates the man who until this point in his career, was evaluated as a charming creative genius. Jantzen wants healthy. Reply Draper when he runs out of the meetings: "You must decide which company you want to be."
In fact, quite possibly, Draper, himself, who should decide what kind of man he wants to be, because people Jantzen seemed to know that they wanted to be together, but Don Draper was on the same page. At all.

Some of the best lines of the episode the first night, were formulated by John Slattery as Roger Sterling. One of them was a snide comment about people Jantzen, the first time when they leave the establishment. Roger says:
"2 of them sitting there like a pair of choirboys. You know, one of them will leave New York with the VD case."
Roger Sterling has received some other sarcastic, cynical, carbon Mots first episode, including: "Oh, well, I got, and you are vulnerable" Don Draper we see more than one time lying on the couch with a bottle of alcohol office on a coffee table beside him, looked very unhappy and very contemplative.
Chicago Tribune, in its Arts and Entertainment section went so far as to suggest that Don Draper is the devil. (Chicago Tribune Arts & Entertainment section, Sunday, July 25, "Who the devil in a blue suit?" Mary McNamara.) Tribune critic Draper describes as "the physical embodiment of the spin," driven mad by their own interests, "and" morally bankrupt, even by the standards of the time. "
As I said in the beginning, "No more Mr. Nice Guy". Don Draper is at the threshold of a dark place, where he will be happier than he was during the life of the mythical American dream of life in the sun, as portrayed in sit-commissioned officers as "Ozzie and Harriet" or "Desi and Lucy." His first fake life does not make him happy, and the new Don Draper does not bring happiness, either, until he "decides what the company / person whom he wants to be.
Don Draper, as the "Tribune" reminds us that "not even Don Draper. This is a fictitious name, adopted on 1 Dick Whitman from another soldier who died in Korea. Dick troubled soul, born to young prostitutes, has died, with him, raised the people who equated morality with a cold heart. "(Chicago Tribune; Sunday, July 25," Who the devil in a blue suit? "Mary McNamara).
For me, if not, Ms. McNamara, the summary paragraph sums up why Don Draper is in poor condition, it is in. It is not the devil. He is damaged goods. He suffers from low or no self-esteem, but it puts on the facade FAA § charm, success and invincibility as Archie Leach, taking on a Cary Grant and Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith, once said of her success, claiming that he "pretended, until I became a rock star I pretended to be." Fake it till you make it.
Don will never be able to enjoy their success because of his upbringing. His past will always rise up to haunt him. He was not born in a loving family or nurtured by loving parents. I think we all remember what happened to his younger brother, who was looking for him and adored him, in previous seasons. It is difficult to express my sincere love, when you're not experienced in childhood, yes, at first, Don Draper was trying to fake it. But last season, the truth came out on the domestic front with his wife Betty (January Jones).
As a result of his hard-scrabble childhood, Don Draper has created his own image of a loving home the perfect family on the shaky basis of lies and deceit, lies about his personality does not even share with his loving wife, she discovered only when she opened his safe, where the evidence is to puncture his Sorcerer of Oz-type reputation waited to cancel it.
When his family life has collapsed because of his infidelity and lies, Don Draper, unloved, unwanted child into a successful advertising agency executive, probably thought that he got his due. When the company he worked for is going to swallow him and all his colleagues a whole, he struggled with the Machiavellian methods, which helped him to survive in life and during the war and who helped him as a chameleon, to make up a completely false name and climb to the top of the game advertising merciless.
But, deep down, Don Draper knows the truth, even if the final scene in the season opener fades. In this scene, he heard about his bragging acts of bravado in the formation of a new advertising agency in the "Wall Street Journal" reporter. He sings a song bravado, but deep down he knows that this is a fraud. He knows his whole life was a fiction and is built on sand. It may look like he is reveling in his success, as if he won, but at heart, he is not able to enjoy a successful life, based on lies, deceit and chicanery.
That's my take on leadership this season will be the answer to the question: "Who is Don Draper?
Mary McNamara of the Chicago "Tribune" in its Sunday (July 25) opinion piece different take. She put it this way in her case, that Draper is the devil: "The greatest achievement of Satan, after all, was a convincing Eve that she thought she could not have been the one thing she wants. What a lot, that Don Draper does every day. "
In the episode, there are several cases of the famous phrase, "Things Fall Apart, the center can not hold. (William Butler Yeats) Not only Jantzen, but Jai Lai allegedly sold a TV special on NBC goes south. Bert Cooper does not hesitate in punishing their finest creative guru in his interview with fallen victim (s).
The prophetic lines night this season, which is spoken by the faithful woman secretary, and now offers Peggy is: "This is great, yet he was not.
SOURCES: Season opener AMC Mad Men "on Sunday, July 25, 2010, Chicago Tribune, arts and entertainment section," Who the devil in a blue suit? "Mary McNamara.