Thursday, July 1, 2010

46 Martyred As Bombers Strike Data Darbar

LAHORE: Two back-to-back suicide bombings and cracker explosion killed 46 people and injured more than 175 in a crowded house of Hazrat Data Gunj Bukhsh here on Thursday evening, reported Media News.

According to details, many people were blown to Part 2 of explosions in rapid succession. Two terrorists wearing vests packed with explosives, weighing about 20 kilograms, blew themselves up in two different locations in the Darbar attended by devotees, especially on Thursday.

The first attacker blew himself up in the basement, at 10:46 pm and the second drove into the yard, before detonating his explosives at an interval of two minutes. The attacks took place when hundreds of fans gathered to pray at the Darbar, police said.

Police said both bombers were about 20-22 years. The grenade body was recovered from under Wuzukhana of the Darbar. The explosion are shocking scenes with bodies and remains are scattered in 100-meter area.

The first explosion ripped through the walls Wuzukhana in the basement and sent flames and acrid smoke from the premises. The explosion also caused a fire, partially gutting of goods and smashed the windows and doors in the basement.

Witnesses said they heard two explosions, then a dense smoke began emitting from the Darbar. "I saw black smoke burst out of all the shrine," said the man, who was passing by when the explosion occurred. "The area was filled with the smell of burning," he added.

"Men, women and children tried to escape in any direction to go," said the devotee, who was in the yard, when the first explosion shook the place.

"We went into the cellar and found hundreds of people screaming and running in all directions. The whole area of the basement quickly turned into garbage," he added. The old man said that the first explosion occurred about 10:45 pm, and was about 300 meters away. "My wife and I immediately realized that it was a blast. We have moved away from the explosion site and had an inventory of the situation, when we heard another explosion about 2 minutes. This is one again in about 300 meters, but he felt much better as We clearly felt the shock wave, "he added. Police said the bodies of suicide bombers were severed.

After the incident, hundreds of people rushed to the scene to find out about their loved ones. People were running here and there in search of their missing relatives. An elderly woman saw the crazy identify Shoes son out of a pile of shoes at the main entrance.

Mian Sajjad Ahmad, Sajjada Nasheen (In-charge) Darbar said they had received threats. He regretted that not enough safety measures led to the incident. He believed that no Muslim can participate in this act of terrorism.

Place of last resort for the homeless and hungry people, as free meals served here all day. Many visitors from other areas also took refuge in the Darbar especially in the basement to sleep. Charred and destroyed the doors and windows and melted frames were scattered around the basement.

Edhi, Rescue 1122, and heavy contingents of police rushed to the scene for rescue. Police cordoned off the area, so people are not interfere with the crime scene.

Officers of the bomb disposal Squad collected the remains of bodies for forensic examination. In addition, police recovered bodies of suicide bombers, one of the basement, and the other from the room.

Movement of the impasse was observed on the main road and in the surrounding areas soon after the attack. However, after various roads presented a deserted look and people prefer to stay in their homes.

Shopkeepers pulled down the shutters immediately after the explosions. Later, local residents of a demonstration to protest against the attacks. The angry mob blocked the main road, burned tires and pelted police with stones and bricks. Police responded and fired into the air and resorted to baton charge on the angry mob. The angry mob also damaged DSNG van private TV channel.

The wounded were taken to Mayo Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, services of hospitals and Mian Munshi Hospital. Hospital sources said 31 wounded condition was precarious. Hospitals set up counters for emergency relief to people who are looking for their relatives.

Meanwhile, no FIR was registered till filing of this report. Agencies add: president, prime minister and several other political leaders have strongly condemned the attack.