Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4 Quotes! Quotes For Independence Day!

After just 2 days more the day for which every American is waiting will come.Yes its not another day its the Independence Day For the Americans.
We are very close to July 4, time to celebrate another Independence Day! We know how you like to find quotes on July 4, so here we have gathered some of the best to make this day even more special!
In the truest sense, freedom can not be granted, it must be achieved. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! Combining we stand, divided we fall. John Dickinson
You have to love a country that celebrates its independence every July 4, but not with a parade of guns, tanks and soldiers who served in the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but family picnics where kids throw Frisbees potato salad becomes uncertain, and the flies die happiness. You may think you have eaten too much, but it is patriotism. Erma-Bombeck
Those who deny freedom to others deserve nothing for himself.
Abraham Lincoln
He should be celebrated as Liberation Day solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. ... I am well acquainted with the writings and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, support and protection of these states. Nevertheless, all Gloom I can see rays of light and delicious glory.
I see that the end more than worth all the money. And that Posterity will win in that Days Transaction, even though we have the street, which I believe in God, we will not. John Adams