Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nmachi "Unusual", A Puzzle With No Solution

Nmachi "Unusual", A Puzzle With No Solution:The blue-eyed blond , small Nmachi incited the astonishment of her parents from black Africa, with no white ancestors in their family. A genetic phenomenon so far unexplained.

The amazement passed, the husband was initially questioned the loyalty of his wife. Doubts were quickly dispelled by the doctors at the hospital who had assured him that the girl was neither albino nor mixed.

According to Professor Bryan Sykes, head of human genetics at Oxford University., this might occur in populations where genetic mixing are numerous, such as Afro-Caribbeans. But in Nigeria, there is little mixing.

This type of birth is not a rare case, especially in racially mixed populations. Five years ago, a British couple in particular had given birth to twins of different color, one black and one white. While their parents were both born of a white mother and a black father, the chances that such an event occurring were one in a million.

Still true, humans are but a one family trying to make our way through the unfolding puzzle of life.