Friday, July 23, 2010

The Numbers Of Unemployment New York State

The Numbers Of Unemployment New York State: Monthly rate the state of New York State unemployment declining since February 2010 and is currently below the required average of certain benefits under the emergency unemployment compensation UPC , Tier 4, New York State Department of Labor said in a press release.

The average unemployment rate in April, May and June was 8.3%. This two-tenths of a percentage point below the 8.5% rate needed for the federal government to provide the unemployed 6 weeks of additional benefits.
President Barack Obama signs emergency unemployment benefits legislation in the Oval Office at the White House, Thursday, July 22, 2010, Washington.

This decline in unemployment will reduce the maximum number of weeks unemployed New Yorker can get from 99 weeks to 93 weeks. But because the bill also states that the Tier 4 benefits extended end of the week on December 5, many not even be able to reach a new reduction of the maximum.

Unemployed New Yorkers can be used in the New York State Department of Labor Unemployment calculator to determine how many weeks, they are entitled to. On 16 August, no new claims for these Tier 4 benefits may be filed.

To find out the different eligibility requirements for the 4 instrument levels, visit the New York State website of the Ministry of Labour.