Monday, July 12, 2010

Chad Ochocinco Does Not Put His Fists Away Anytime Soon

Chad Ochocinco does not put his fists away anytime soon.Ohio wide receiver tweeted about a fight with a bouncer on Sunday night for the club in New York  but not before they hit the Pittsburgh Steelers during the premiere of his new show "Ochocinco: Catch Ultimate".

VH1 reality following number of 85 sports stars, as he selects from the mat, of course, perhaps 85 women.

"Man, I have not seen this many girls on the football field since the last time we played Steelers," he joked, looking at the women to clean down the choices to 17 years.

Ochocinco said that he decided to take part in the show dating, because "my traditional way of dating could not be me tremendously throughout my beautiful life."

This is the second time the 32-year-old sports star has taken on a reality show this season - he recently appeared on "Dancing with the Stars" before becoming a celebrity is one-hundredth started the show."Ochocinco: Catch Ultimate" is broadcast on VH1 on Sunday at 9 pm