Thursday, July 1, 2010

Detroit Is Not Sexy Enough For The Top NBA Free Agents

I hope that in the summer of LeBron recalls recent reshuffle college conferences: more than rain drops. I hope that LeBron James is in Cleveland.

My motives are selfish. There, in the Rust Belt in the NBA, the form of economic segregation. Midwestern cities lack the cosmopolitan flair are on a par with the die-hard sports fans who dream they can compete with more-dynamic languages as long as everyone has the same wage scale.
But it does not matter if the Pistons had $ 20 million, or $ 30 million under the salary cap. In this countdown to Christmas NBA hit zero at 12:01 am, they would not have had the opportunity at any premium free agents.

And if Cleveland loses James, he has no chance to attract quality free agents, although the salary cap space to sign two contracts with a maximum of free agents. Even if LeBron stays, it will be a challenge to lure even the prime free agent in Cleveland.

Look at the teams that have a significant place under cover. New York, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles (scissors) and the team of New Jersey, in a few years of moving to Brooklyn.
This attractive markets. And, despite the salary cap, they still have a significant advantage, because their quality of life issues (eg, climate, night life and the pursuit of paparazzi track their every move) becomes the determining factor, if the money is the same.

All Detroit, Cleveland, Indiana can do is the smallest mistakes on draft night and participate in the bidding cunning. Otherwise they have no alternative but to overpay for a second or third-level free agents.

Agent David Falk is one of the biggest influential in basketball. He taught the mysterious yet ubiquitous William Wesley (the so-called World Wide Wes) Basketball negotiations, especially when Wesley was a super salesman of shoes Nike.

It is believed that Wesley is one of the unnamed sources "close to the camp, LeBron James, who put King in Chicago, one second and Miami next year, feeding the hysteria that Commissioner David Stern and the NBA's lackeys toast with French champagne today.
Falk, who represents the Pistons first round draft to select Greg Monroe, told reporters at a press conference Pistons last week that the excitation maximum salary free agent, might not have achieved equality between the teams of the NBA, that may be desired. These players will be megastars, where they go, and with the money the same, then why not consider the peripheral perks such as the excitement around town?

Detroit can not compete with that. Cleveland can not, either. Chicago is the only city in the Midwest that could.

That is why it is useless to complain that Joe Dumars did not keep his salary cap space this summer. Pistons need to recognize who they are and where they play. They should develop their own stars. Free agency a chance to gather to shreds.

So it was last year, and this would be true for them this year too.