Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gina Schickling Search Ends In Tragedy

Gina Schickling, who went missing, was found dead. Gina Schickling, tragic news reported on Wednesday a relative. 22-year-old Gina Schickling disappeared and her family and friends began asking her to seek help with places such as forums and Facebook from any account.
Here is one of the search query messages left on Facebook, Jeanne Festino Joyce Feulner wrote: ANYONE with information about the whereabouts of Gina Schickling contact 215-360-8246 or 215-681-6904.
Today, it seems, it turned into a tragedy, as Gina was found dead. Thanks to everyone who disseminates information about Gina Schickling.
We regret to inform you that she died. Please continue to pray for Schickling Curran families who lost his daughter unspeakable tragedy. Rest in peace. Family members, where support for local authorities in the search. Family and friends, where the search through social networks, the media, such as Facebook.