Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Are The Words Nag A Ram Information

It was seen from a duration there was many searches of the word nag a ram but this word has no proper mean and if we see in the dictionary there are plenty of meanings are available in dictionary and i give here some information regarding to this word which may be able you to understand about this word and the statement which i was given below.

Anagram is a word game in which the word or phrase becomes another word or phrase by rearranging its letters. It is important to note that the number of copies of each letter is preserved. "Nag sheep" is an anagram of his own "anagram" - "Mama called" not because it is not "a" Anagram is a form of serial poetry.

Anagram and poetic techniques that can be reused in other units than the letter. Words in a sentence, or line or sentence in the stanza, or paragraph can also be changed.

A famous example (in French) is Georges Perec in "Ulcerations", in which each line is an anagram of the word "plague".

Kite: progressive poem PolyGram, starting with 5 letter pool. In section 0, the first line anagrammatic. The following lines PolyGram (a lipogram). At 1-4, the template letters are added to the original pool, resulting in homogrammatic transgram rows of 5 letters of words having four, three, two, and one letter in common. 5 is PolyGram excluding the original pool letter. Since 6, verse translations of the number of the poem, in which every word of five letters in length liponol, in which not a word of five letters in length. In the first line, every word contains four letters from the original pool, the second line, every word contains three letters from the original pool, and so on, until the last line, which shares no letters with the original pool. Finally, the entire poem liponym, excluding the word that the entire poem consists of variations.