Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Anna Chapman The Glamorous Spy Next Door

Anna Chapman is a 28-year-old New Yorker who got under the floodlights after the FBI revealed some sharp information about workers spying for Russia, which tries to gather information for Moscow and the entry into political circles in the United States.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Chapman, who has a very lucrative real estate and some powerful connections, is also part of an espionage network was investigated.

However, what really got her on the covers of tabloids that her appearance and adventurous approach that reminds us of the image of a black widow female spy created by Hollywood.

Its Russian roots and image femme fatale obvious to all who visit her page Facebook, which she uses the name Anya.

operations Anna Chapman, it seems like a scene from a Bond movie. In one of these situations, it allegedly transferring data from a chest stores vans, which took place on the street, where Russian agents were receiving them on a wireless network.

Another woman accused in espionage is a journalist Vicky Pelaez.