Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Joel Zumaya Hopes To Return Next Spring:

Joel Zumaya Hopes To Return Next Spring: Minneapolis :As he rolled in agony at the races target field on Monday night, Tigers right-hander Joel Zumaya realized he had just thrown his final step.

"I thought that my career was done," said Zumaya.

Zumaya had feared that he would have suffered torn ligaments in his elbow. After a medical examination to the elbow on Tuesday, he learned otherwise.

When he threw that final step on Monday, he broke the tip of the elbow - this is called the olecranon - but it does not damage the ligaments.

"Really, really satisfying news," Zumaya said. "I left it in God's hands, and I think he gave me yet, thank God, I do not want (any ligament surgery)."

The head of the sports trainer Kevin Rand said: "This is probably the best scenario we could have hoped."

"This is the best worst thing we could get," manager Jim Leyland said. It is possible that further tests will show that Zumaya needs surgery, said Rand.

In a more hopeful scenario - the one to which you subscribe b- to break the will to heal for four months without surgical intervention and Zumaya back in spring training.

Soumaya mood on Monday was not one of disappointment, someone did this season, but someone decided to step in next season.

"I know that it will take four months to heal," he said. "It's not 12 months. I am hard-working guy. I will not give up.

"I have a son, which I want to be playing baseball, so I will not let her."

This is the fourth consecutive year that season, Zumaya was significantly reduced injuries. He had a full season of health, as his outstanding newcomer of the season '06.

"I worked too hard to make this happen," said Zumaya, 25. "All I wanted was one full year of health."

What does not guarantee job in spring training input in this year, Zumaya returned from shoulder surgery in August to restore the key role of the late filing in the bullpen. He threw 100 m.p.h. Regularly this season, as in '06.

When he was injured Monday night at his place for Delmon Young, he defended the eighth inning to bring the first place on the map.

"It felt like my arm exploded," Zumaya said. "Crying in front of 40,000 people rather weak. But it is very painful, and I felt that I was not alone on my side.

"But when they got to his feet and began to pleasure, and then the whole team is comforting to me after the game meant a lot to me. I'm happy that I still have a chance, and I hope everything will go as I want .