Wednesday, June 30, 2010

British Agent Anna Links: Russia Seized In The Swoop FBI Spent Five Years Living In London

Production on the series of photographs, this is the woman in the center of the alleged Russian spy network discovered in the U.S.In 1, Anna Chapman - the name she gave to investigators - smiles shyly at the camera wearing a bright green suit top and black and white striped shirt, as she poses in front of Big Ben.

28-year-old chestnut, apparently lived and worked in London five years ago, supposedly becomes part of an espionage network based in the state, which are directed back into the secrets of the Kremlin.

Photography is believed to have been taken during his stay in the UK. We do not know if she was engaged in espionage at this time.

Miss Chapman fatal femme in the James Bond-style plot, which saw the 'sleepers' embedded in American cities, some more than 10 years ago.

And she appears every inch, using her charm, beauty and worldly relations move with ease through the circles of power and use other people to know state secrets.

Clearly, to have a master's degree in economics, expensive flat in the financial district of New York, and operates successfully in the international real estate agency on the Internet, work that would have given her reason to come into contact with people around the world.

She is fluent in Russian and English and conversational German and French.

On his Facebook page is a series of pictures to show their form of the model. With 187 friends around the world, she writes that her motto: "If you can imagine, you can do it if you can imagine, you can become it.

Yesterday, Russia announced that some of the defendants were citizens of Russia, but insisted they were not working to the detriment of U.S. interests.

And Miss Chapman's mother tears Irina, 51, said in Moscow: "I, of course, deny that my daughter was a spy. All this is very shocking to us.

If the records are correct, Miss Chapman was born in the Soviet times, now the Kharkiv region of Ukraine, and, I think, was raised in Volgograd, formerly Stalingrad, in southern Russia.

She studied economics at the University of Peoples' Friendship in Moscow, the organization of extensive references to the old KGB.

Miss Chapman has close ties with Britain, and he thought that she was married to a British citizen. She seems to have been here for up to five years from 2003.

She said that she worked at the Barclays, but what she called a "slave" in their department for investment banking services before the entry of hedge funds Navigator Asset Management Advisers in Mayfair.

She also worked for a luxury flight services to NetJets Europe, a company from which the rich and famous to buy flight time in the executive aircraft.

A former colleague Navigator, said yesterday: "I always thought it would be like a Russian name of Chapman, and I thought that she could get married in Europe.

Barclays does not have any information about Anna Chapman, working his way investment, while she claims, were there in 2004 and 2005.

It seems that she has returned to work in Russia Asset Management before moving to America to further her own real estate company, which organizes the rental and sales worldwide.

Miss Chapman had to make a name for himself as a socialite in Manhattan before his arrest. This was a completely different picture painted in federal court in Manhattan, where she was accused of "practiced liar.

Miss Chapman was accused of meeting an official from the Russian government and the transition of its secrets every Wednesday since January.