Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tiger Woods Wife Elin Divorce Wants $ 750 Million!

Golfer Tiger Woods has agreed to pay $ 750 million to his wife Elin Nerdegren upon divorce. This is enough to live the lives of many people!. In addition, money Nordegren get full physical custody of their children and share custody of them.
Divorce Tiger Woods', reportedly signed a golfer and a former wife Elin is getting a divorce payout of $ 750 million, yes, three-quarters of a billion dollars, is the largest payment ever.Tiger celebrity divorce with divorce is the most expensive celebrity divorces ever, dethroning Mel Gibson .

Elin gets sole physical custody of the children, but she and Tiger share legal custody, then he can still make decisions about his life and his wife will not be able to finally take them to his native Sweden.

"All the signatures. Elin is ready to file for divorce in Orlando district court," said a source inside. "She expects the next seven days."