Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update: Search At Farm Near Wetterling Abduction Site

News helicopters arrived today, though some squad cars and other vehicles, abandoned property near the place where Jacob Wetterling was abducted in 1989.

Power was in the property since early today, and some remained there vehicles at 5:10 pm Bureau of Criminal Detention van was seen leaving in the evening.
Sheriff John Sanner said the court forbade him to explain why they are there. The representative of the FBI E.K. Wilson said that the FBI is assisting in the search warrant in the area.
Two flatbeds, which had recently been parked at the end of the driveway this evening left with materials to create St. Joseph's parish festival booths. MPs told how they came out that more people will pick up additional material for the festival, which is stored on the farm owned by Robert and Rita Rassier.
Neighbors reported seeing through a number of unmarked police already at 8:15 am today in the property, 29 748 91st Street. in St. Joseph.

Neighbors also reported seeing cars pulling trailers on the track closed and vehicles pulling all-terrain vehicles. Aerial photos made by St. Cloud Times this morning shows more than 17 cars, SUVs and trailers on the property.
Aerial and show people moving in and around more than five outbuildings in the residence.
Management Team Stearns County sheriff's car was parked at the entrance to the road almost the whole day, as noted, and unmarked entrance and exit the property.
Wetterling was 11 years old when he was abducted on Oct. 22, 1989, near the entrance to the driveway, just yards from the squad which was parked Stearns today.
abduction of Jacob led to the first federal mandates that each state establish a register sex offender. His mother, Patty Wetterling, traveled the country to help pass this law.
During the first 14 years of investigation, authorities have focused their attention on the car, which witnesses reported seeing near the abduction site. The driver came forward in 2003 and was excluded as a suspect.
The authorities have decided that it is likely that the thief did not use the car.
Then they changed their theory of abduction to focus on the probability that the abductor was someone local.
Robert Rassier told The Times in a telephone conversation today that investigators at his residence, but he did not want to discuss the situation further.
Sanner said the Office of Stearns County Prosecutor's Office informed him that the court order prevented him from saying why his investigators in the residence. He declined to describe the court. State Bureau of Criminal Detention referred all calls to Sunner.
"Because of the court decision, I will not answer" whether the activity was associated with the disappearance of the Wetterling, crime that has engulfed the Central Minnesota almost 21 years.
"I understand that the public is interested in what happens," said Sunner. "I do not want to do anything at this point to a compromise of any potential prosecution."
There were no arrests today in connection with activities in the residence, he said. He did not know how long investigators will work on the property Rassier, he said.
Patty Wetterling said today that she is not aware of any searches that were scheduled at the residence Rassier associated with the disappearance of her son.
She was happy that investigators continued to return throughout the case, and that they went back to the beginning. "
"Jacob last steps are shown in this way," she said today.