Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pete Stark Mocks Minuteman For The Immigration Desk At The Town Hall Meeting

Often controversial Republic Pete Stark (D-Calif.) to further attracting the attention of conservative bloggers with a record of the City Hall meeting, in which he ridicules the "Minutemen".

If you identify yourself Minutemen got on the City Hall meeting last week in Fremont, California, to ask the question Stark, Stark, joked: "Who you gonna kill today?

Minuteman Stark asked why the government did not do more to "seal" the border, so that the country can not become a "solvent" again.

"We can not get enough of the armed Minutemen," Stark said mockingly. "We would like to get all the armed Minutemen, so they can stop shooting people here."

Minutemen is a group that claimed to patrol the border in a sort of "neighborhood watch" style.

Minuteman angry sneer Stark, like others at the meeting, and he asked Stark, why the federal government to leave the borders "porous," allowing people to come in any place they want.

"If you knew nothing about our borders, you would know that this is not so," said Stark. "Our borders are completely safe, thank you.

The Congressman said the Minuteman that he would do to secure the border, to which he replied that he would send troops to 25,000 and build a wall to be "as tall and as long" as necessary.

Stark joked that after the "Minuteman" built a wall, Stark starts selling ladders.

"This is a very serious issue, and you're sitting there he laughs," Minutemen answered.

Stark said: "I do not laugh, sir, you're doing a good job on its own."

California Congressman, known for his confrontational statements. In the conference hall of the city last year, he was involved in exchange for statutory health and said that he would not "waste urine" in person. He also called on moderate Democrats fear health care reform "brain dead. In 2007, he said that American troops were sent to Iraq" to get his head blown off for the entertainment president. "

Stark would have taken over the chairmanship of the House Ways and means Committee, after the Republic of Charlie Rangel (DN.Y.) gave the position because of ethical issues, but the Democrats have chosen instead to promote more sustainable, Republic Sander Levin (D-Michigan) to the position.

Immigration remains a burning issue in this year, especially after the passage of a controversial immigration law in Arizona, that some say will lead to racial profiling. President Obama plans to deliver remarks on immigration reform on Thursday. The White House pledged to send more than 1200 National Guardsmen to the US-Mexican border.