Friday, June 25, 2010

Most Famous Michael Jackson Sayings And Quotes

Again in the hot news Michael Jackson come back.Here you can read most popular and famous sayings that are also called quotes are given which must entertain you give information to you and you feel that you are in front of  Michael Jackson and just live listening her sayings.I hope these quotes touch deeply the hearts of Michael Jackson`s fans and others too.

I remember in the studio and there is a park across the street, and I would watch all the kids play, and I would cry, so I will be sad that I would have to work together.
Michael Jackson

Because I think every child star suffers through this period, because you're not sweet and charming child that you were. You start to grow, and they want to keep you little forever.
Michael Jackson

Because I would like to have a place that I could create everything that I do, that I never had as a child. So, you see attractions. You see the animals. There's a movie theater.
Michael Jackson

Because parents have power over children. They feel they must do what they say to their parents. But the love of money is the root of all evil. And this dear child. And it turn like this, it is not. It's not him.
Michael Jackson

Before I would hurt a child, I would have slit my veins.
Michael Jackson

But I never stop helping and loving people as Jesus said.
Michael Jackson

Kids show me their playful smiles the divine in every person. This simple goodness shines straight from the heart, and only asks that he lived.
Michael Jackson

Elizabeth Taylor magnificent, beautiful, and she is still today, I'm crazy about her.
Michael Jackson

Everyone who knows me knows the truth, which is what my children in the first place in my life and I never harm any child.
Michael Jackson

Everything I love is behind those gates. We have elephants and giraffes, and crocodiles, and all kinds of tigers and lions. And - and we have a bus load of children who can not see these things. They come to the sick children, and enjoy it.
Michael Jackson

I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of my skin, is something that I can not, okay?
 Michael Jackson

I would like to understand my father.
Michael Jackson

I love my family very much. I would like to see them more often than I do. But we understand because we are a family of show business, and we all should work.
Michael Jackson

I Rememeber once when we were going to South America, and everything was packed in the car, ready to go, and I hid, and I cried because I really do not want to go, I wanted to play. I do not want to go.
Michael Jackson

I was a veteran before I was a teenager.
Michael Jackson

Again, I say that I never would harm a child. It disgusts me that people wrongly written about me.
Michael Jackson

I am a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity.
Michael Jackson

I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
Michael Jackson

I'm just like anybody. Cut and I bleed. And I embarrass easily.
Michael Jackson

I'm never pleased with anything, I'm a perfectionist, it's part of who I am.
Michael Jackson
I have helped many, many, many children, thousands of children, children with cancer, leukemia of children.
Michael Jackson

If you enter the world know you are loved and you leave this world know, are the same, everything that is happening between them can be resolved.
Michael Jackson

This is a complete lie, why people buy these papers? This is not true I'm here to say. You know, do not judge a man not to judge, if you have not talked to him one on one. I do not care what the story is not to judge them, because it is a lie.
Michael Jackson

Just because the press does not mean it's gospel.
Michael Jackson

Let us dream of tomorrow, where we can truly love from the heart, and I know how love ultimate truth in the middle of everything.
Michael Jackson

Me and Janet really are two different people.
Michael Jackson

My mother is fine. For me it perfection.
Michael Jackson

People write negatives things, because they feel that what sells. Good news for them, not to sell.
Michael Jackson

Please keep an open mind and give me my day in court.
Michael Jackson

Bee Gees are brilliant, I just love good music.
Michael Jackson

The greatest education in the world watching the masters at work.
Michael Jackson

The meaning of life, contained in each expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
Michael Jackson

There were times when I had a great time together with his brothers, pillow fights and things, but I used to always cry from loneliness.
Michael Jackson

They did this to try to belittle me, to try to take away my pride. But I went through the whole system with them. And finally, I - I wanted the public to know that I am okay, though I was hurt.
Michael Jackson

Well Brooke, I've always loved her, and when I was little, I stay with Diana Ross, My brothers and I stayed with her for many years and I never talked, but I've always been in love with her.
Michael Jackson

Well, especially now that I realized - and then - I would like to make a study which was three hours with a tutor and right after that I would go into the studio and record, and I write for hours until it is time to sleep.
Michael Jackson

Well, you can not do what other kids get to do to have friends and a dream of parties and friends. There is nothing out of this for me. I had no friends when I was little. My brothers were my friends.
Michael Jackson

Whenever I see children, I see the face of God. That's why I love them so much. That's what I see.
Michael Jackson

Why can not you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is share with someone else to sleep. It's very nice. It's very nice. This is what the whole world should do.
Michael Jackson

Yes, Wacko Jacko, where did? Some English tabloid. I have a heart and feeling I have. I believe that when you talk to me. That's bad.
Michael Jackson
Yes, and I had pimples so badly she used to I'm so embarrassed. I do not look at myself. I would hide my face in the dark, I would not want to look in the mirror and my father used to tease me, and I just hated it, and I cried every day.
Michael Jackson

You know, let's put it this way, if all people in Hollywood who have had plastic surgery, if they went on vacation, there would be no people left in town.
Michael Jackson