Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wonder Woman Was The 21st Century Makeover

Los Angles: Wonder Woman comic book superheroine put in her spangled shorts and leggings for the city picked up her mind the street in the 21 th century to make a 69 year-old character.

J. Michael Straczynski, a new writer for a series of DC Comics, told The New York Times he wanted to "tighten it and give it a modern sensibility" and change the Wonder Woman outfit was worn for nearly seven decades.

The new costume features black leggings, studded denim jacket, spurs on her heels and gloves to take a new look designed by Korean-American artist Jim Lee "X-Men" fame. Gone are the stellar Hip-Huggers, undersized bra and knees, red go-go boots.

"She was stuck in 1941. And, as my female friends have asked:" How did she fight this (bra) thing, not all parts of it flies? How does she carry her things? "Straczynski said video game and entertainment site in an interview.

"So, my requests were quite specific: to tighten its opinion, make it more dynamic, more serious," he added.

Wonder Woman, one of the few female superheroes in a world dominated by Batman and Superhero, also saw her character to give more depth and more intelligence, as she debuted a new look in room 600, which hits comic book stands on Wednesday.

"I grew up, I always felt that it was better than her character in the book ... the history, usually as a side was a little expensive, and certainly in the cold season about getting her in provocative poses ... than it is to get into her character, "Straczynski said.

"We will be making her more, preferring her intelligence and her determination and their ingenuity, and it does remain the world she once knew, special by incorporating them into more and more important, unpredictable world. We have it very seriously" he added.