Thursday, June 24, 2010

Justin Bieber Hermaphrodite?

Justin Bieber time hemaphrodite? Is not the fact that the rumors again? This week, all those rumors of celebrities have started over the weekend. It makes us think how all these rumors get started? Is there any reason for this? Best of those who started these rumors?

Take poor Justin Bieber possible to get all the bad rumors, because he was well liked. It all started with Justin Timberlake, as a hermaphrodite. Latest gossip about teenage sensation that he was expecting a child. Other recent rumors about him through the search for example: "Justin Bieber syphilis" or "Justin Bieber strangled" on Google.

There are also spreading rumors about the hottest women Transformers (1 and 2 only) star Megan Fox. Yesterday, the trends reflected the title of "Meghan Fox interrupted black child." These days, he changed to "Megan Fox Akon Molests black child." We know that it is currently correct, but do not worry, it still is not pregnant.

And finally, the Queen Speak display Oprah Winfrey did not escape its production to the rumors of attention, too. There is a rumor circulating on the Internet, Oprah takes her sixth finger on Sunday, Father's Day. Now this rumor originated from the photo TMZ, where Oprah was wearing white sandals and sports something like a sixth finger. But what has Oprah may be considered bunion on his foot. And if it is, of course hexadactly, the situation for the sixth finger, then why she had destroyed more than Father's Day?

Justin, Megan and the Oprah are recent celebrities who have become victim to these rumors, like a small celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Fortunately, the rumors they start so strange that they have little to hurt their careers. We have a choice so that our choice whether to believe these stories or not.

Last but not least, Justin Bierber Android rumors are false again.