Thursday, June 24, 2010

Does Obama Read The Weekly Standard?

Today, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol suggested an intriguing replacement, General McChrystal: If General McChrystal leave, there will certainly be able, many generals who might replace him.

Here is one innovative suggestion, though: Ask General David Petraeus, to abandon their posts and CENTCOM to take command of the war in Afghanistan.

Today, we see that Obama has received advice:

President Obama announced Wednesday that he accepted the resignation of General Stanley McChrystal, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and appointed General David Petraeus to replace him, after a sharp article in which he and his aides were quoted criticism of the administration.

While this may be just a coincidence (although if I was Kristol, I'll take credit for it) ironic choice neocons favorite commander will not be lost on the more left-leaning supporters of Obama.

Keep in mind that only 3 year ago took out full-page ads in The New York Times titled "General Petraeus or General betray us." It was just a year ago, a group supported Obama. I wonder if they feel a little changed by this news.